Friday, June 27, 2008

Final countdown Day 3

Like a Marathon runner approaching the destination, feel like I can't move any step forward, except my will telling my body, "hang on there Dorothy. You are getting there".

Thought about my constant need to have lots of social support. My friend, V, on the other hand, is always a loner, but a cofnident and calm loner. Which is better, more emotional ups and downs among friends, or a loner with a peaceful life?

Already planned hundres of ways to celebrate the completion of the 1st draft, which hopefully will happen soon ; ) A novel by Trooper sound interesting. The ed-media proceeding CD sounds like a useful thing to do (but less inetresting, of course...), tons of swimming, travlling, trying out recipes, crafts..... HA! Life can be really beautiful ^^

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Just went I feel I am going crazy from the pressure, my galfriends came to my rescue. It was so much easier and fun when you study with your friends. Also, three lessons I learned from this experince is
1. Start as early as possible
2. Divide and Conquer
3. It is ok to moan. Your friends will understand it ; )


Final countdown before the proposal is due. Sometimes doesn't even care to turn on my computer. What a nightmare!!!! Good thing is it is going to be over in a few days. Already planned all the possible ways to celebrate the end of this ordeal, a trip to Houston, Dallas, St. Antionio, or just a BBQ party with friends ^^

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


A gave us a beautiful tomato plant. After our loving care, it gave out more flowers. Hopefull they can all turn into big fat juicy tomataos one day : D

Eric has been a very devoted gardener, but there is always more to do in the garden than our time allows. We just found rabbits, which frequented our yard also liked sweet potato leaves. Thye already nibbled all the new spruced leaves. Really don't know what to do with them : ?

New Recipe

R was very generous to share his mom's loving kindess. They are so yumm ^^ Tried to use the ingridents to create a unique menu "Seaweed and vegetable noodle". It is very light and healthy. So pretty much, I just boil some noodle and cut spinach into Julian slices. Mixed in a package of the seaweed soup mix. Then to finish it up put some Bamboo shoot pickle on top. Very delicious. Yes, you should give it a try ^^

Monday, June 16, 2008

Taiwan in 2050

Found this interesting video on youtube. It's amazing to see how the future turns out ^^


Sometimes you thought someone is not worthy your friendship. You don't even care to keep in touch. Chances are he/she can give you the most needy hands when all your other "good buddies" are not available. Learned to cherished any friends, no matter he/she is worthy or not. Treat people with respect and dignity. You never know when you will be in need.

Texas=Very Hot

This is probably the 3rd consecutive week to hit 100 F. Super hot everyday and the lawn seemed to need more water than ever to keep it green. Kinds worry about the water bill now. Good thing is school is off, students will be able to take cover at home or travelling?

Daisy's wedding

Daisy got married in April. It was at a lovely event place close to Hamilton Pool. Brougt our Camcorder, but realized it was out of battery : ( Recall and Lynn helped take Eric and my picture. Wonder how our wedding will look like when it is our turn ^^

My Sweet Korean Friend-Sumi

Sumi is a very special Korean friend at UT. Didn't know her for too long, but felt already knew her for ages. Heard she is alreayd in Korea and teaching!!! I will definitely miss her warm smile ^^ What's so unusual about our friendship is that we both share the same passion to bring this wworld closer by connecting kids from around the world. This Spring, we had some kdis from Taiwan to do the culture exchange with Kids at Anderson High. Like Sumi's Korean kids, Taiwanese kids also have some concern about their English, but it turns out American kids here are so amazed by how good the Taiwanese kids' English is and by the Taiwanese culture they learned through the Taiwanese kids blogs. Just want to let Sumi's kids know, they should have confidence in their English. Afterall, nothing good will ever happen if you are afraid to try new things. Plus, Samsung has a huge plant here in Austin, it would really Americans in Austin to know more about wonderful things about Korean culture (even I can't wait to know more about Korean culture from Sumi's students ^^). Sincerely hope more Sumi's students can join us. It is going to be a fun project. You will be surprised how friendly and intelligent those Anderson High School students are ^^